Animal Crossing is a life simulation video game series developed and published by Nintendo. The game is set in a world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, where the player character is a human who lives in a village with these animals. The player can interact with the animals, engage in various activities such as fishing, bug catching, and fossil hunting, and decorate their house and the village with various items. Animal Crossing Bells are the primary currency used in the Animal Crossing series. Players can earn Bells by selling items, completing missions, or trading with villagers. Bells can be used to Buy items such as weapons, armor, and other equipment to enhance their characters' abilities. The Animal Crossing Wiki has a comprehensive list of all the items in the game.Animal Crossing Bells can be acquired in various ways, such as selling items, completing tasks for villagers, shaking trees, digging holes, or finding them in balloon presents. The maximum amount of Bells a player can carry at any one time varies depending on the game version. In the original Animal Crossing game, players can carry up to 849,999 Bells at any one time. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players can carry up to 4,059,999 Bells at once.Bells are most often seen in tan sacks with a dark brown star in the middle and tied with red rope at the top. In Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, peppy villagers working the register at facilities may mention finding a counterfeit Bell with an image of Tortimer's face where the star would normally be. If you want to buy Animal Crossing Bells, is a good choice. You will get favorable prices and satisfactory service.
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