Everyone loves t-shirts—especially when they're free! Seek out vendors located throughout Azeroth to get yours during this micro-holiday.
Complete certain activities during Free T-Shirt Day to earn some extra Travel Points. More details are in the .
[January 21-23]
To commemorate the first ringing of the Scarab Gong on January 23, 2006, players will be able to relive a portion of the Ahn’Qiraj gate opening by collecting items for turn-in. The winning faction will then be able to claim bragging rights and have their faction flag hang over the gates until the next Call of the Scarab micro-holiday event. Players who are in a different phase can speak to Rhonormu near the Scarab Gong to enter the correct event phase.
[February 23]
Those who head to Feralas will be able to bear witness to the yearly hatching of the hippogryphs. You may even make a little friend for the day.
[March 17-19]
Dinosaurs are running amok in Un’Goro. Help quell the rampage and you’ll be awarded some temporary evolution buffs.
[April 5]
Each year, the Winterfin murlocs allow their tadpoles free reign over their village. You can make a difference by adopting your favorite, feeding it, and protecting it from nearby predators.
[April 28]
Step into the shoes of a guard in the major cities with a /salute and you’ll get to serve and protect the city just like them. Stay vigilant and watch out for any invaders.
[May 10-12]
Several of Azeroth’s characters – some of whom you might recognize – are giving tours of Azeroth in their hot air balloons. You’ll enjoy their commentary and interact with other citizens as you take in the scenery.
[May 27]
Head to Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh, collect some rare mushrooms, and help the sporelings heal the great mushroom, Fshoo. You’ll gain a bit of Sporeggar reputation for helping them out.
[June 6-8]
Thousand Needles is where the biggest bash on boats can be found in Azeroth. It’s a chance to unwind a little, away from the ongoing conflicts in Azeroth.
[July 13]
GG Engineering has discovered luminescent creatures in the depths of Vashj'ir. They need your help to research the creatures before they disappear into the deep sea once again!
[July 22]
The main auction houses in Orgrimmar and Stormwind have been cleaned out and turned into dance parties for the day! Crowd on in and show some faction pride!
[August 16]
Vendors have been spotted in several locations throughout Azeroth selling t-shirts for... FREE!!! There are even rumors of entertainers launching free secondhand shirts in capital cities!
[November 12]
A wonderful celebration of all things Moonkin is happening today in Moonglade. Stop by and see what you can learn!
[December 7]
Celebrate and honor Liu Lang and Shen-zin Su at Turtle Beach in Krasarang Wilds. It is a time for contemplation and song!
Aug 16 2023