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WoW Community OUTRAGED! War Within Is An ALLIANCE Expansion!

stefanmilovanov3398: When is this god forsaken community not outraged tbh

robotdoom9945: BFA at the time was claimed it was a horde expansion.

jameschristophercirujano6650: If they want faction wars, just make massive companies needing resources. The governments are of the Horde, and the Alliance aren't involved, but private entities are. It doesn't have to be a race war.

NeverThatx2: With so many races to play as they can’t satisfy everyone. People gunna complain either way… happens every expansion.

Amplifymagic: WoW has been an Alliance based main story campaign for a long time now.

Ever since WoD, Horde has been in the background. In Legion, the primary heroes that the main story revolves around has been the Sons of Lothar. Khadgar, Magni, Velen, Alleria, Turalyon, Illidan and the elves were the protagonists of Legion.

BFA was a mess thanks to Sylvanas, which true Horde members didn't support.

Shadowlands was all human oriented as well, with no Horde presence besides Garona.

Finally DF was all about dragons pretending to be elves, only exception is them throwing us a bone with Ebonhorn having a HM Tauren visage form.

War Within is all about Anduin, Arathi, the Earthen, and the enemies are just Nerubians which don't have a history with the Horde besides being enemies in WC3.

ricardobrands9736: next expac is literaly playing a full reworked silvermoon! so they should be quiet

nikopawlowic6557: Eh The Horde will be revelant in Midnight. Everyone gets their own expansion, The Last Titan will be a return to normaliaty... or not.

StunKickTot: So? MoPs Story besides the Panda Bs focussed on the Garrosh side, next expansion continued Horde focus. Blizz was always very Horde focussed.

rondumpster: We had a horde expansion. So what's the problem?

user-qx5or5fr1x: Blizzard only brings up the Horde when they need to show villainy and ambiguity. The War Within will be the same expansion as the Legion. In this expansion, the characters of the Alliance fought against the Burning Legion and were in the foreground. From what I saw in the War Within, I'm sure it will be It’s the same Alliance addition. And don’t forget that the Alliance is good, so it won’t kill anyone there.

Classic Blizzard.

P.S: I apologize for my English)

flyingmatteo89: I universe, Turalyon has been reigning over Stormwind for 3 years now since the end of Shadowlands and there's ZERO sign of him being anything other than a good and popular leader. If Blizzard wanted him to be the next "bad" guy they would have already done it.

May 31 2024

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