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Wow Classic Gold: The Trading Post is in Full Bloom for May

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New items are in full bloom at the Trading Post for the month of May. You’re bound to find something new to add to your collection. 

Visit T&W (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items they have available.

Here’s What’s in Stock for May

This Month’s Bonus Reward

Mount- Savage Green Battle Turtle

Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J)***, and you’ll receive this month’s bonus reward— the Savage Green Battle Turtle Mount.




Travel Points

Complete Grand Hunts with the Maruuk Centaur

Complete Grand Hunts on the Dragon Isles.


Complete Reverse Dragon Racing Courses

Complete Dragon Racing reverse courses in the Forbidden Reach.


Defeat Forbidden Reach Primal Storm Bosses

Defeat Primal Storm bosses in the Forbidden Reach on the Dragon Isles.


Unlock Doors Within the Zskera Vaults

Unlock doors within the Zskera Vaults using Zskera Vault Keys


*Gather Titan Parts  Gather Titan Parts during the Researchers Under Fire: Titan Lockdown Event 100
*Loot Suffusion Crucibles at the Suffusion Camps Loot Suffusion Crucibles at the Suffusion Camps during the Fyrakk Assaults 100
*Discover the Ancient Stones in Zaralek Cavern 100

*With Embers of Neltharion

Children's Week (May 1-May 8)



Travel Points

Children's Week: /cheer for Paera Finebreeze alongside an orphan

Emote /Cheer for Paera Finebreeze while you have an orphan alongside you.


Children's Week: Complete a Quest

Complete one of the following Children’s Week quests.


Children's Week: Complete Daily Quests with Your Orphan Complete daily quests while you have an orphan alongside you. 100
Children's Week: Complete Four Quests Complete 4 of the following Children’s Week quests. 150
Children's Week: Complete Mythic Dungeons Alongside an Orphan Complete Mythic Dungeons while you have an orphan alongside you. 100
Children's Week: Land Lunkers with a Harpoon alongside an orphan Use a harpoon to land lunkers while you have an orphan alongside you. 50

Darkmoon Faire (May 7-May 13)



Travel Points

Darkmoon Faire: Balloon Pony = Fun

Ride a Darkmoon Pony around Darkmoon Faire Island while holding a balloon.


Darkmoon Faire: Tonk Commander Complete the quest Tonk Commander at the Darkmoon Faire Island. 50

Spring Balloon Festival (May 10-May 12)



Travel Points

Spring Balloon Festival: Complete a Hot Air Balloon Ride

Hop into a hot air balloon and enjoy the whole ride.


Glowcap Festival (May 27)



Travel Points

Glowcap Festival: Witness the Rise and Fall of Fshoo

Fall of Fshoo- Help keep the great Fshoo alive as long as possible in Sporregar in Zangarmarsh.




Travel Points

Defeat New Pet Tamers with Dragonkin Pets

Defeat Dragon Isles Pet Tamers with a lineup of at least 2 Dragonkin pets.




Travel Points

Complete Weekly Crafting Quests

Weekly profession quests can be obtained within the Artisan's Market in Valdrakken.


Fulfill Personal Crafting Orders

Speak to a Crafting Orders Clerk in Valdrakken's Artisan's Market to access Crafting Orders.


Rubber Duck Fishing

Fish up items in the Dragon Isles while using the Rubber Duck bobber.




Travel Points

Loot War Supply Chests in the Dragon Isles


Complete "Sparks of Life" Quests

Complete "Sparks of Life" quests on the Dragon Isles.




Travel Points

Complete Dragonscale Expedition World Quests

On the Dragon Isles, complete Dragonscale Expedition world quests.


Complete Dragronrider Racing World Quests


Complete Weekly Quests in the Zskera Vaults Complete weekly quests in the Zskera Vaults on the Dragon Isles. 75



Travel Points

“Yes, Chef!” During a Community Feast

Say “Yes, Chef!” at a Community Feast in Iskaara on the Dragon Isles


Flipping the Board

Interact with a Hearthstone Game Board in the Missing Hinge Inn in Azure Span.


Lug or ride an Iskaara Tug Sled Lug or ride an Iskaara Tug Sled. 50
Murglasses Need to be Celebrated Emote /dance with a player under the effects of Murglasses. 50
Murglasses Need to be Seen Use Murglasses in: Valdrakken, Iskarra, Maruukai and Dragonscale Basecamp. 100

How it Works

Get Tender Every Month

At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache. If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded on the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription. This will be the same amount for everyone, regardless of how you pay for your game time.

The Traveler's Log

Complete monthly activities listed in the new Traveler’s Log. Each month features a rotating, themed set of activities. These activities provide the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender. There’s only a set amount of Tender you can earn each month through completing activities, so you won’t need to complete all the ones in the log each month. You’ll be able to pick and choose from a variety of fun in-game activities to easily earn Tender. Players can choose to earn by continuing to play the game as they already do, such as completing quests, competing in battlegrounds, participating in holiday activities, and even running Mythic dungeons. But you can also choose to take part in activities uniquely designed for the month.

Freeze an Item

Before the month comes to an end, if you haven’t purchased that one “must-have” item yet, don’t worry. You can “freeze” an item so you can purchase it later. When you freeze an item, it will stay available month over month until it is purchased or replaced.

If this month’s offerings didn’t have the items you wanted, you can hang on to your Trader’s Tender to spend later. It won’t go anywhere, and unspent Tender will continue to accumulate each month.

What a Tender Moment

As a way of saying “Thank you” to the community for continuing to play World of Warcraft with us, we are awarding a bonus 500 Trader’s Tender to players who purchase Dragonflight and add it to their account†. This bonus Trader’s Tender will also be rewarded retroactively to players who have already purchased Dragonflight. Players can collect this bonus Trader’s Tender from their Collector’s Cache.

Learn more about the Trading Post in our previously published on the official site.

*The Trading Post feature is not available in WoW Classic titles.
**Requires World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time
***Requires Level 10 to access the Adventure Guide.
  †Bonus Trader’s Tender is granted only once per account.

Apr 28 2023

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