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Worst Bug in WoW History? Wow Classic Cataclysm | World of Warcraft


ruscanugelu5995: This interferes with their lvl boost that they sell so it is instantly resolved.

DjEphixa: Turtle sisters rise

thegeneral273: The irony for blizzard is that out of all streamers, it was you to demonstrate this.

stertothetop: the fact that me and you were able to get from 21-63 from that one BG is crazy

i mean, my expectations were low because its blizzard but jesus christ LMAO

FlamespeedyAMV: You should make this into a short lol

3kittenlover: Still a better leveling experience than SOD

ichhabdochkeeahnung: Was never that easy to stay sober from wow!

Scottysaweet: so strange how I feel nothing for wow after SOD.

I thought I would always play this game forever.

5 months clean boys.

mikes2106: Idk why blizz keeps fudging with the xp in classics, the leveling journey is what made it classic to begin with.

Muffincakeswithsugar: Cata Bros...we got too cocky...

May 08 2024

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