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World of Warcrafts Recent Performance Is Shocking.

ShannonMontanino: TWW may be crushing DF - but DF pathed the way for TWW - by bring in crucial QOL changes
Kugrox: "Sylvanas coomers"
"drenai futa"
WTF bro just pulled that shit out of pocket without skipping a beat.
flodde1: I predict 3-4 more hype videos until we reach "TWW - What went wrong"
indieramus: Make an expansion that doesn't take every single opportunity to waste player time and it starts to do well. What a concept. It turns out making a better product makes people like it more.
JonnyBeoulve: I'm actually shocked at how fun The War Within is. And then you have the classic servers to go to for the old-school hardcore experience. Warcraft is in a good place right now.
Fleato: xalataths voice actor is really hamming it up. really great villain choice. I said fo ryears blizz needed to find a way to make a villain of someone bad we've known of for years, and xal is exactly that, someone we knew was scheming in the background.
Nodelphi: Ahh but you see, Blizz has figured out that the super casuals like me will only stay subbed if we get spoon fed easy epics whereas those that go for mythic dungeons and raids will stay subbed even if they’re not happy.
360Fov: Bellular's style of thumbnails, the bold white text, a single red underline, a fairly cinematic but clear subject photo.... somehow it just looks modern. Really clean....far removed from a red box and a red arrow and a screaming face looking at the camera
Carson_Van_McUber: I believe it. This game hasn't been this fun since legion. I am actually starting to play again.
trap4925: It's not shocking.
Make good game
People like to play good game.
Mitchel6489: might want to spare end raid spoilers til story mode is released.
JSIguess: These people saying "BUT PEOPLE PLAY 20 ALTS IN CHINA WOW IS DEAD" are unreal
kanetheboom: yes please play the raid cinematic that I haven't watched right at the start of the video, appreciated
thispandaispurple: That draenei futa joke caught me off guard

Sep 18 2024

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