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Top 10 Legendary Items in WoW

ZE3ZY: How dare you not include Atiesh. My little bird on a stick is crutial and where would we be without that Karazhan teleport???
doveydove96: Did someone say….
davemustang8173: Vanilla: Super Rare Drops Pain in the Ass Quest
TBC: Super Rare Drops
WotLK: Pain in the Ass Quests
Cata: Story Quests
MoP: Quests
WoD: "you guys are still here? Have a ring I guess"
Legion: Pray to RNGesus
BFA: "So, we fucked up so bad we have to give you a legendary to deal with our nonsense"
SL: "Fuck you, go craft your own"
Grimlak1990: NO ATIESH?! Atiesh is absolutely #1 with no close second. The grind you had to do on the hardest raids in vanilla was iconic. Also, hardly anyone got to even do Vanilla Nax so having this weapon was an absolute status symbol. And that’s not even talking about the lore significance. I mean cmon, it’s medivh’s staff that the mages of dalaran destroyed because it was driving people insane and once you had the frame of the weapon completed you had to go into Strat to summon a demon to cleanse it. The demon was the literal hand of Sargeras which was one of the earliest mentions of him in the game which was chilling AND if you disarm his weapon it was a different legendary that you could use in the fight which gave you perspective and just made you feel puny and insignificant in scale compared to the forces of the twisting nether. Cmonnn man. Nothing compares to Atiesh. For it to not even make the list is insane.
oTownruler: Thori'dal snub is crazy
Criftyman: 1. the unfinished classic legendary Ashbringer questline…
Kammithekiller: heck yeah, its youtubes hardest working homie <3
kuaieq: no atiesh and cloaks are #1? worst take in a while bro
Kenji-117: MoP cloak was truly the best thing ever. The effects, the insane amount of grind and the patience involved was so rewarding in the end. The chef's kiss were the procc visuals and I am SO happy that there are the MoP remix toys now to grant ppl the visual proccs again
colbystanek2502: shadowmourne will always be my favorite, but i can see now why the capes are so cool!

May 29 2024

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