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this is the most persistant player in WoW

vito4801: that mage is getting the classic grey screen experience, what a masterpiece

DarthJermz: Just the fact that bad players need to use a pack mentality to win is laughable, typical alliance behavior.

rafaelbarbosa2782: The gnome: "When I come back you will see my power" Dead,"Ok I was lagging around" Dead ,"This dude is clearly cheating".

media-maniacs: Every1 dies once in a while even Pshero, but it takes...

ibrahimsanl6379: alliance players = 0 respect for 1v1.


dmilla9600: I really hope SOD adds arena world pvp is fun it just gets boring

romaroalte2645: Fiorts !2

n.s.3410: I just noticed the cc timer on the enemy portrait face. what addon does that?

richlak4962: I cant understand why we can read level 50?

May 10 2024

Buy WOW Classic Gold (lvl60)

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