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Pointless Top 10 Snails in World of Warcraft

StrumstarHammer: I got here so fast that I couldn't even think of a funny joke about how snails aren't fast.
alexklavon3571: Snails are neat
brunosardine1: this is the real lore we need
jinx17: Pointless Top 10 is probably one of my fave series on youtube and Crendor been feeding us well lately
matthewbreen1951: Winkle is probably a reference to periwinkle snails.

And my personal favorite snail is Serenade, the mount from Protoform Synthesis in Zereth Mortis
user-fv7jd4xj5n: that lava vs water snail is probably a reference to Groudon and Kyogre.
jpfischer6003: It's over water snail! Fire snail has the high ground!
punishederic4761: I'm sorry to correct you but throughout this video you refered to snails having antennae. Those are their eyes. Snails have eyes that are at the end of "stalks." Snails just have weird long appendages that their eyes are placed on.
diddydoodat6764: Cant remember if you've done this yet, but top 10 doors? Like interactable big doors
Unintelligentful: More people should respect these snails
ski364: Those are some cool future hermit crab homes.

May 27 2024

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