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How To FARM BRONZE FAST In WoW REMIX Mists Of Pandaria! Quick And Efficient Strategies Discovered

TheRefinedGentleman.: 7.34 minutes covering the frog farm. Brah
nataliegordon7135: If you start the event with nothing from MoP, you need like 1.6 million bronze to buy it all. That's about 17.1k bronze a day for 95 days. You're either stuck farming frogs or running mythic SoO until your eyes bleed to buy it all. It takes about 54 mythic SoO to get enough bronze to buy everything but excludes upgrading gear and consumables. If you get 60k an hour farming frogs, you're looking at around 7 hours of frog farming. Add in potentially needing over a mjillion to fully upgrade gear and you may be sitting in the 40 hour range. A week of grinding just to enjoy the rest of remix like trying to solo SoO on your own. Is this suddenly a job? Where's the fun? After doing numbers, the event feels tedious. Even after I booted items I can get on live, it still felt terrible. This is a grind event and not fun like they were saying it would be. I feel lied to, especially with the cloak change.
mothman84: The frog farm DIED 40 minutes ago: no more Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. R.I.P.
NavyPharmD: Nerfed the frogs about 10min ago
odognum: Not looking forward to grinding out this bronze currency...... hope they accelerate the gains soon.
BrittMalka: I've always wondered why it should be 4 people in those groups. Thank you for explaining it.
teej143: I hope they don’t necessarily nerf the frog method. I personally would rather do quests/dungeons/raid, but if other people like this method, they should be allowed to.
zometthecomet: One word “ Scaling “
SloidVoid: I tried farming frogs, and only got 16k bronze after an hour.
In terms of flying through the bronze motes, I only got 2k after an hour.
michaelcampbell1170: Event is a scam. a group of lvl 70s should be blasting through everything. instead, we're all dying horribly and unable to do anything. took a little over 3 hours just to kill 4 bosses in throne of thunder last night because everyone kept dying in 2 to 3 hits.
Mike_W78: 13 hours of frog farm made a shadow priest strong enough to solo normal dungeons. Had 6 million hp and can do 140million dps.

May 21 2024

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