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Rocket League top 100 in 2024

colinley8821: Day 15 of asking leth to do a map where the lights turn off every ten seconds
Bastype: Kofyr knew his only job was to bump with Firstkiller as his teammate lmao
al3x345: Game 4: npcs
DerbyCityRockCo: Meme idea: FirstThriller (complete with red leather jacket and zombie face)
robertminns1632: 1 view in 14 seconds bro fell off
johnbrewer7299: Anyone else notice after they mention the server lag spike the kickoff is absolutely broken? Leth wins the kickoff the ball goes forward PAST kopyr THEN goes to the wall
user-wt5db2fz7r: Ah when fk disconnected I’m surprised leth didn’t go ‘1v1’ like he did when it happened in his road to SSL
xzist649: 18s ago, never been this early lol
Soggy117: First person to not say first… wait
strawsquash: Flitz is so nice. Whenever someone makes any mistake he’s always there making up excuses for them. I hope we get to see him at the top soon and doing good in RLCS
theogflounder: bro i ran into a ddoser in c3 lost my rank up to gc

May 18 2024

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