MarbleRacerz756: PLAT HAVE ALHPA BOOST???
Napskar276: Wow then and now has change
DripDog_Editz: i got double reset musty double tapped in plat so i stopped playing for a month
(i’m back now)
LFC4Life.: Second
And also as I was plat last season (gold this season) I can confirm I do that in my sleep its part of my minutely routine.
Treat.: Diamonds be like:
thecris_yt: Im plat and i am so bad and i got no lucky
bjthedjboi: I was finna say that's an average plat
RizzlerRL: agreed in mechanical and i just got diamond
zetiger2321: yo my guy when do u stream and on what apps?
Nuclear47: So real
May 26 2024