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Path of Exile just had a GAME-BREAKING Exploit

vimzim8576: They should get a more sever punishment than Empy got for moving in and out of a circle on the ground.
JDsBBQnBourbon: Simple, DELETE ALL items with unintended sockets. The people who made them knew what they were doing, the people who bought them knew what they were buying. DROP THE HAMMER. In the case of someone creating and selling it, delete the currency they sold it for.
jayt883: I don’t think GGG should punish anyone for their own mistakes. They should take responsibility for their own actions. Bands should be reserved for instances of abuse, third party software cheats, and RMT. The way I think it should be handled is for the unintentional bug and the unintentional outcomes of that bug be reverted in the game.
xapplepie6890: Ghazzy is gone and the Game is breaking. Classic
keldon1137: Even Jenebu isnt scared of his mirrored items, he instantly changed enchants on his crucible bows in standard too
OldGoat-cw8he: 3 day start of season ban would be perfect to send a message. Effect their in game pocket book the same way they did the in game community.
joshuahensley9395: Like if this isn't bannable, what is?
anthonyrenli8740: For me I'd say:

First offence - one day ban and delete the item.
Second offence - one week ban and delete the item
Third offence - ban until the end of the league
dr.morbius: Yesterday there was a Squire with 6 links linked in chat and also a weird quiver with 6 links in chat.
richardmayotte1281: I feel a lot of mirror crafters feel the need to exploit hard as GGG has created a system that has occasionally encouraged this type of behavior by allowing some exploits to stay in the game. Due to this I feel a ban would not be warranted THIS time, and they should send a warning, almost cease and desist letter, this time and go straight into hard bans next time
gerbo8018: I saw a video about this a couple days ago and i was thinking this could be bannable as this is an obvious exploid.
So i never touched it.
Honestly this is bug abusing. If i find a dupe bug could i use it without issues ?
Sounds really bad right ?

May 08 2024

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