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Not What GGG Announced Necro Settlers Is Chaos. Like Mayhem League. Path of Exile POE 3.25

gavinwock6133: The FOMO is real with this event

dominikzamkow8734: I gave it a chance this morning and decided to not play. Personally, lantern mechanic is not enough for me although I had much fun on settlers. Anyway, glad you have some fun there.

DooMMauw: Divine will be like 400 chaos in 3, 2, 1...

marc-andreblais5818: this will be making huge disparities between the ones who can play a lot and the ones who cant. prices will go up like crazy and people who cant play much wont be able to afford anything. everything will be out of reach.

slashgeegee8038: Is there like a channel/reddit/discord that we can get info on what's going on for certain maps?

kTeco: yesterday i had a chaos lantern mod on act 2, farmed 70c on that map and it was enough to build am entire twink leveling build (hrimsorrow, quill rain, asphoxia wrath, 2x tasalio sign, karui ward...) lol the campaign leveling was really crazy this time around, i loved it

CyclonDefinitiv: Playing so far with the team been great, looking forward to finding more crazy Maps.

The kaom guys had cremation or molten strikes under the entrance to the boss room of brutus. Spawnkilling me if I didn't perfectly clicked on the entrance to re-enter the boss room.

newfaith912: Brick standard before we progress to poe2. Smart

JayM928: I went with a squishier league starter than usual. I didn’t realize there would be all these tougher mobs. Hard to tell with a new build if my build is jacked or if things are just tougher.

JavierCasanova25: I just finished the campaign. Took me forever! There were zones I just tried to dodge everything and get to the exit. Those tota mobs I forgot how trippy they are

stillprophet7529: Good old RF Sunder build, my favourite!

Nov 11 2024

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