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Confession - Path of Exile Highlights #484 - Paak, Pohx, Steelmage, Tatiantel and others

pedro_feitosa: Bro ripped a mb to normal shaper lmao
radicalindividual7774: Hahaha! You can see when lily reads "you need to change to"
Then looks away like she read something useless. Then has the feeling of something being wrong and looks back and reads "consume on full no?"
smashedupwards: yo 0x33 is streaming again and playing poe?! I used to watch him play terraria, glad to see he's doing well.
itsBluffer: Widetime
metachigx: widetime glajj
yelnil: Can someone explain first clip? Thanks!
Yellowek: ngl kinda cute is lily
when mad
fscott8478: if we had more than 3 pixels per clip i would actually watch this

May 12 2024

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