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LezArtist5iG: Great build MBX, love your theory crafting
capybara6535: dead league
r3albadgamer954: i played pp brand last league and it was awesome, but have u thought about using the new tornado? u can have 3 of em up and you dont have to path to runebinder. idk teh mechanics behind the new tornado but it has a 100% phy convertion so it might save a prefix or implicit on gloves. idk if the tick rate of tornado is decent i havent tested poison with it though so cant test
WhiteDynamite84: When going over your damage mitigation you state „need to take physical as fire to be 100% phys. immune“ but when you add up your percentages you add up physical damage from hits as fire as well, which means your char will still die to dots, right? Otherwise great build, thanks for the video and effort
TheGreatLabowski: Good build. The ring only 1.5mirror
n8doggy733: y'all should play CI Occ more, it slaps and can be very tanky
johncady4466: I was excited for this build till I saw original sin. 1% or less will get to use one. Hope it works without
IgorManenica: So much knowledge, looks amazing
sithlordi5170: you said grave crafted sceptre, i can't figure out how you get the veiled prefix mod and still keep the other prefixes. Any ideas?
taiwanisacountry: I think this build is going to feel amazing.

May 07 2024

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