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These FFXIV Skills Are Never Coming Back

ruikirisame1744: if starting in shadowbringers is being in the womb. then brother, i'm a concept. FLOATING IN THE AETHER
crazypizzadiamond: they should at least get the animations back. i would love to see a system in the game where you can openly change some animations
WeskAlber: "Hey Wesk, don't use Blood for Blood in your opener, if Alexander picks you, you die."
changes nothing, doesn't die, mic drop
DJNUMA: One thing i really don't miss is having everyone sit at the beginning of dungeons to wait for protect...
successfulfailure1298: I love when he talks about “Heavensward babies” cause I am still progressing through the main story lol. I began playing in earnest a few months ago
snakkupakku: My favorite meme with old AST was Celestial Opposition extended all your personal
Urthdigger: I'm shocked that Cleric Stance wasn't mentioned. Healer DPS was radically different back then due how you had to fully switch between whether you can heal or dps, and SCH was considered the better healer because Lustrate healed a flat 20% of the target's HP, getting around the healing penalty of Cleric Stance.
CyanYoh: Speaking of Dragoon, I remember the good times where I'd just barely be killed by an AoE thanks to Blood for Blood, my selfish DPS buff increasing the amount of damage I took. Honestly, I liked the risk reward, especially since at the time, Dragoon was the only Maiming DPS and thus had a baseline higher physical defense. It felt fitting that that design aspect of the class.
Also RIP Ring of Thorns, pole dancing Dragoon was funny.
Pink_Jesus: I know the astro sects weren’t great but i just love the flexibility of both shields and regens they gave
vedgie: As someone who started in 2.1 as a DRG this was very nostalgic lol. That job had some weird things going on for it. Blood For Blood increased your damage dealt and taken which meant if you had weakness (or god forbid brink of death) using it made you even more likely to die again on top of the 25/50% reduced HP. Keen Flurry, as mentioned, was the only damage reduction we had. Jump would animation lock you for 5 years leading to an inevitable Titan EX death if used at the wrong time. Heavy Thrust was a thing you had to maintain on top of your Chaos Thrust DoT and Phlebotomize DoT. Power Surge was a 60s cooldown that buffed a single Jump or Spineshatter. I loved ARR but it gave a lot of things to juggle lol.
caseysbye: wouldn't be a rinon video without miasma 2 at this point
4NSW3RM3: Well ship, I guess I'm not even conceived yet, 1 month old player here

May 08 2024

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