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The Geekenders Episode 24 FFXIV Partnered with Mountain Dew??

dog_of_myth4650: "Mountain Dew it's.........liquid." That killed me.
daltongibson1033: I believe we need a reminder of the fact that there is a Co-Optional Animated ABOUT Dodger's mugs.
Rayweo: Listening to Jesse's podcasts while studying for final exams makes things a lot more easier. Happy weekend everyone!
obnoxiouspriest: Yo. It. Is. The. Weekend.
tangentkatz: "I Was a Teenage Exocolonist" encouraged replays in an interesting way. It's a story heavy game that makes it impossible to see all story branches, relationships, developments, etc. in one play through (not uncommon). But they make it clear after you finish, that a replay will be different because the character will remember some things from the previous game. They can make new choices based on what they know...but also there are consequences (e.g. people thinking they're delusional). There's one big story change early on that shows how much will be different now that your character has foreknowledge. And that grows with each play through as you (and the character) experience new outcomes.
shadow12k: Why does jesse do dr girlfriend’s voice so well
snowstalker36: As someone who loved tracking the growth of Dodger's mug collection in the background of various videos, finding out she had to downsize that severely hit strangely hard. Deep down I knew there was no way she took that whole thing to the UK, but it still...

I hope they all found good homes where they are cherished.
FantaLain: Dont mind me just feeding the algorithm some chips
Makkle4000: "Hear, Feel, Dew..." -Hydewlyn
UtsukimiJerry: I'm very glad to be able to see this in my recommendations. Will be listening this on a nice saturday morning WEEKEND and reminiscing of the good ol days.

May 18 2024

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