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Moogle Treasure Event FAST FARM!!! MAY 2024! FFXIV 6.58

ChilleUK: Eer are you saying gates or gays when it comes to gold saucer.
haroldestrada7649: one quick note, weekly objectives are randomized per player, so not everyone will get hidden gorge for their weekly. (I've gotten the jade stoa normal)
Lotis343: still gonna passively get tomes in Prae while watching Critcal Role and the complete mogpendium
userbunny14: you cant get the ostensibly special timeworn maps anymore unless you have tomes from the 1st hunt left over. you have to get the potentially special timeworn maps. these are guaranteed portal lvl 90 maps.
derekstapleton3396: In case anyone hasn't already said it. The Minimog Challenge is doing 1 of the listed things. For this week it's either 5 FATE'S total from Labyrinthos or Thavnairian OR Triple Triad. You don't need to due both as doing both won't double your rewards. Once you've done one of those things you can claim that reward.
Asura.Slothingway: Putting palace of the dead in this event should be a war crime
Tython82: Having not finished the video: So, since Omega Raids are the ones to give tomes, I am guessing the most effective farm method would be O3N with 1 Tank and 7 Blu Mages.
doubledirt: Please play rival wings guys I just wanna play it again
benmorrow1701: I suspect that players will be queueing for potd in the 50-100 range, if it’s anything like the massive influx of ocean fishers with the last mogpendium thingy.
damkina_ina: With a decent group of 4 dps
50-100 will at most take about 1.5hrs
1.5hrs for 100 tomes sounds fair ^^

May 19 2024

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