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FATE of Eorzea Academy FFXIV Animation

I LOVE THIS <3 so many great things also THANK YOUUU FOR THE LIZARD CAMEO I love itttt, would definitely be in this class for G'raha even if Y'shtola is probably giving me nightmares tonight
Tax Evader new class for 8.0 confirmed!!!!!
Wepospalient: Bob deserves all the cheese puffs in the world.
cloudiexiv: This was chaotic in the best way possible, but equally impressive in all aspects! 10/10!
andrewowens4421: I love how everyone saw the "Fate Accepted" as if the words just appear in thin air anytime someone takes down a massive boss.
zeratulvagos: Nichijou, Dempsey roll, yakuza memes , and Coke was the final straw for me to absolutely lose my shit, you're receiving my like and future interest!
dmncwhy6399: I don't know what I'm watching and I can't turn my head away
bouncy2D: This is some of the most unfiltered, over-the-top animation I've ever seen coming out of the FFXIV community.
I fucking love it, please make more LOL...
spark9189: i knew exactly what was about to happen the instant i saw the principal sneaking up behind behemoth
ShadyIMG: Loved the fight scene and the "Please give me Coke" and ending segment was hilarious.
ursulcx299: This was horrible. I loved it. Please do it again.

May 25 2024

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