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Things We Want Fixed in 2024 Fallout 76

scott6048: i feel they should make scrapbox and ammo storage box plans available for gold bullion at this point
Thebestmaid7250: Allow us to put fusions and plasma core in the ammo storage.
kaliek5281: -Stash def should be increased.
-REMOVE the limit on scrip from the legendary machine and instead limit how many modules/legendaries you can buy.
-Add a LOOT ALL AMMO option, cause its annoying when you try to loot ammo but the inventories shuffle or you take onl 1 cause the stack isnt high enough. Let us loot ammo only in one tap, like we can all loot.
-Increase daly Bullion, and let us trade Bullion items with people who also have that recipe. Sucks that I get good drops on these that my friend, who also has the plans for, would like for their build..but I cant trade them...
chrisyung6776: I think personally that Bethesda should have a “wardrobe” for our outfits that we collect
Failtasmagoria: Wardrobe... zero weight apparel storage.
armchairgravy8224: Oscar Gonzales needs to spawn or get out of my quest list.
drew4947: the power armor bug is a must. ive missed 4-5 scorched earths in their entirety due to the bug
napalmarsch: that laser door automatic close bug mage me always angry
Extra_Goodness: We must demand Free junk stash for all
BillyTheTeen95: I'd love to see the notification bug fixed. If someone purchases something from my base, I only get the caps animation, but I can't see what they bought in the top left of the screen. It also affects unlocking new plans or mods from scrapping weapons.
benitezkebab: The worse sound glitch is eviction notice .... Really a pain in the ..
zombiTrout: I wish they would fix the game freezing at the sign-in screen.
Cry42: If they can’t fix all the crashing issues, there needs to be an option to rejoin your most recent server.
onewhowaits7321: Grass roofs; it would be nice if they prevented the weather from coming in.
jodale1972: The looting of nearby enemies is a big one. Not only does it not show sometimes, the list changes order as you select stuff and you end up looting pelvis and skull instead of guns and ammo. It would be extra nice if all items in those transfer lists would stack so I don't have to click 20 different times to pick up .45 ammo at a count of 3 or 4, which is not a single click but rather have to click each one. That is annoying, especially when you get attacked while in the middle of looting said long list of stuff....LOL
chibi6368: There’s a cheeky little issue with the karma syringer too at the moment, can use it to grief/kill afk or low health players even if they’re in passive.
GNARK1LL420: I'd like to see some building stuff get changed like not being able to removes stairs that were for a 2nd floor but can't be removed even though there is nothing attached to the top of them. Among other various building issues that have always been an issue.
greenhornet3671: I am on PC and I have currently an annoying bug where I cannot see messages in the top left for events or when someone buys from my camp, the only way around it at the moment is to swap servers, would love to see this fixed
GyroZeppel: I’m pretty sure the not getting rads when loading in is intentional because you can load into a new area that has already been nuked and if you aren’t ready it would immediately kill you.
adamrijk1858: Just joined a server this am and saw "MrWestTek" launched a nuke on the Titan. His public team was full but he did respond to my Emote. And yeah level 8700 ish and had the red mask on so it was really him.
fillinttheblanks: A tip for the power armor glitch: Enter your power armor with your weapon equipped and drawn! It adds an extra animation of putting away your weapon that seems to help avoid the power armor glitch. Haven't had that glitch ever since
GaribaldiBiscuit: That they continue to sell items like the enclave laser doors, knowing they don’t work properly, is disgusting.
maebemae: What i WISH for is
- An option to use purfied water other than boiled water in recipes
- Camp budget increase
- The boiled water in the boiler doesnt stack so if they could make it stack pls and ty
- When i switch camps for some reason my ally appears naked?
& I agree with everyone with wardrobe option and stash increasing.
Hawley26: Hells eagle quest needs fixing too
garyp3795: For the prefab fix, put down a flamer trap and have the flames aimed at a wall, activate and it will destroy your prefab but you can repair it back fixed
eldeefifty4526: With the the new chessboard being so useful I'd love that displayed items would be stored separately to the stash. really annoying to take something from your stash only to find you had it displayed in your shelter etc. This is especially problematic with displayed drinks or hats.

May 31 2024

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