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Surprise Atomic Shop Update May 30, 2024 Fallout 76

drut001: Did you figure out YUM yet?
timchadd2865: I like splitting up the Atomic Shop updates to Tuesday and Thursdays.
jordon6283: Hey @MrWestTek great video truly hands down your the best
WhiskeyTango0420: Hey man, it was cool playing with you earlier today. We did Eviction Notice and Sheepsquatch together. I was all three conduits (=
chibhawks4: Where is the mirelurk steamer
ccoy571: It must be a regional thing but I also have a Vault-Tec new home bundle available that includes the tavern and a bunch of other new house stuff. Maybe not available where you live?
ingridrumbaugh1450: Does anyone know how much water the big water tower holds? It looks cute but im not sure i wanna spend my atoms on it just yet
SomethingSomething245: I just started using the fixer recently after getting the plan, so a combat riflenskin is nice.
mjellsworth8830: Bro I never got the score board glitch until I watched your video yesterday
OkayyyIGetIt: It’s kind of depressing that the only thing to look forward to in this game is the cash shop.
mattt233: Funny they can update the shop but not respond to tickets to buy items after 5 days.

May 31 2024

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