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Full Health Heavy Gunner Build (God Mode) - Fallout 76

MetalFalcon99: Lore accurate power armor
henrikmonkee: Finally full health is having some love
SaltorRedAnvil: Hellcat is free and synergizes well with Electric Absorption.
LatinLegacyNY: Need MORE full health builds. Preferably ones that are not heavy gunner/power armor based lol.
RoyalTactic: I really want to make that , I didnt have any idea on how to play a build properly like classic Fallout solos ....Ive seen high Radiation build but this One looks like it Shredds and Tanky...Love it
D00BIESNACKS420: Why charisma legendary perk card? Now you can't sharre higher than rank 1 perk cards cause those 5 points don't count towards the thresheld needed for sharing. Great perks like Field Surgeon you are unable to share. Swap out charimsa with Luck or Agility card. You get the same build but now havnt nerfed yourself
runnereh: Thank you sir! Exactly what i asked for a couple days ago!!
SuperSundaeTV: How did you get so much perk points for the legendary perks?
krylassa: One tip to add, Far-Flung fireworks works like magic with heavy PA builds. I run Overeater's PA with AA/crit plasma caster and AA Cremator (the one I was unlucky to roll) it does lots of AOE damage to tag all the enemies. So if you have a spare legendary slot it is always a good choice.
halo3elite508: About time it was time for a full health build
TAGSProle: If you use bird bones mutation it doesnt do the superhero landing while in power armour 100% worth taking it for quality of life

May 12 2024

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