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Fallout 76 Top List Of Every Weapon Category Part 1.

cristianrozo3480: Yes part two!
Sandyman406: Great video
lxvxsxck: I have a question, I was just curious what outfit you're wearing? I don't think ive seen it before! Also yes please on the part 2
kenzo47x2: Great video, watched it all the way through. I'm looking forward to the heavy weapons.
depracated: Cold Shoulder is just so damn good, even is the best secondary honestly.. I run it with every build, it's unstoppable, main reason I started using it is cus of this channel too haha
alientenno: i got a Nice Bloodied Gatling Gun , She's no insta Killer but She don't let me Die !!!!
MILLs_666: for the enclave plasma rifle are those the best mods for the weapon? i got the aligned flamer barrel but i wanna make sure its on the best rifle. unless aligned is for vats or and your build isnt or something
WeiderMystic: one of these days my fixxer will roll a good bloodied
ZanewhiteV: what about Bloodied vs Damage Increase up to 25% as Health increases ?

are they both basically the same but one just lower health ???
ZancodoGaming: Do you have a video of Bloodied Explosive Handmade? I have the 3 star one

May 25 2024

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