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Fallout 76 : The Top 5 Heavy weapons ... this was a hard choice

T3rr0rc0Re: My boy the Cremator didn't make it into the top 5
ukjeeper: Didn't mention Holy Fire's (hidden) 'cursed' and unique attributes:

Cursed:[1] 15% damage, 20% faster attack speed, -4 durability.
Additional effect: 18 fire damage over 3 seconds (normal is 9/3sec).
vexmyth0clast: The bloodied cremator and vampire holy fire are unmatched
theopbanana4391: I think the most overlooked/underrated Heavy guns is the Ultracite Gatling Laser. With the power user perk, you get 999 shots per fusion core, it is deadly accurate with the stabilized perk, has really good durability and its damage is similar to the Gauss Minigun. It’s my go-to general use weapon.
mogwa88n60: Flamers are silence heavy weapons as well
dabbadonisthestout7284: Good old plasma gatling laser never fails me, mine is bloodied, 25% more damage while aiming and stealth for 2 seconds on hit, average enemies take about 480 per shot and scorch beast queen takes about 48 damage per shot, with cards i got 999 per plasma core so my gun breaks at least 3 or 4 times a fight with her lol
drackar: For me, as someone who doesn't normally run heavy guns, cremator and flamer top the list. Flamer is what I use for events where 90% of people who show up don't know what "friendly fire is" and we'll loose if someone doesn't keep the workers, or the cows, or your mom alive. It lets me get a decent number of tags in radiation rumble, even if it's not AS good as tesla, while not swapping out every five seconds to heal some idiot.

But the cremator is... Amazingly fun. It's become my go to "running around solo doing events" weapon. It's absolutely insane against any group of normal mobs, it doesn't care what your VATS chance is, if it's above a 10% hit chance, it will kill that mob with splash damage, which means I can stand at the top of a building in the middle of an event zone and rain down hell on every single mob around me. And if you want to make up for the slightly lower damage...slot two. Or three. Or four. Fill your quick wheel if you want, and the burn damage will stack. You can get, hands down, some of the absolutely most INSANE DPS as a dot using multiple cremator.
phoschnizzle826: I roll out with a fully pimped 2-Shot or Anti-Armor Explosive Gatling Gun. If precision isn't needed, the ability to spray easy-to-find lead downrange is hard to beat.
neilyb4590: Personally the 50 cal is just satisfying to use vamps and explosive just make it a blast budda budda budda die you insert expletive here pa and the right heavy your a armoured god
Freshel: The plasma caster does have a mind of it own in vats.
But there is a way to mitigate that, stacking perception can removes up to 80% of the defect,
I recommend 30 You can get there easily with sweetwater tea which give you 15 perception.
And unyielding which give you another 15 perception. Or get 15 perception from the perk card tree.

May 12 2024

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