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Fallout 76 Meat Week Guide, Solo Guide Grahms MeatCook Primal Cuts 2024

Lordoftheapes79: The number of people afking and NOT on a drum or spit this week is frustrating.
305backup: Tip: The prime meat is actually bonus scrip that bypasses the Scrip capacity. You can also of course store it in the cryo freezer and turn it all in at once whenever you're ready
name_it: On some servers, the Primal cuts spawn only once, and the event doesn't trigger on every hour :( Not to mention how frustrating that mobs are 100000000 miles away ...
jamesa6693: As a note it’s five prime meat at each spot. One at spit and at each pot in the video. Can’t turn all in at one spot.
TheBeastLukester: Basically had to solo an event. 5 people were there but just standing there.

I wish people would stop doing that, it’s really frustrating.. as a gamer , I cannot do that. It feels scummy
somekindadragon3414: I’ve only seen 2 instances of Primal Cuts spawn, and sometimes only 1, never 3. And yes, I joined one in Progress that immediately failed like 5 seconds in as I was getting my bearings, and 2 players were there.
Jumping from the instances is totally possible!
Great advice on Prime Cuts cuz if the server is there at the Cookout, it goes FAST.
FurtiveSkeptical: Chasing down prime meat that goes rotten so quick for a blip event that's over before you've noticed it occurred, is a make-busy, run and fetch chore designed to keep you online.
It isn't fun, and the rewards seem decent but not worth the run around.
MultiMarcoco: As a new player and Herbivore I didn't know what to do with it ( no food). So I dropped 25 Prime meat and it was gone in a second. Now I know why
vodengc520: I already got my pepper shaker and brahmin grill plans (among others), so the rest of this event is just gravy, lol.
egouniverse: Oh, so the drag down is because of the junks and poops. I had thought that it was because Grahm kept using the ingredients we turned in.
marcomirhayes7121: I've been a diligent dookie scooper this time around and it seems like no one else is dedicated to the dookie like me. Drums is fun but dookie is a menace, get that dookie scooped, people!

May 25 2024

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