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Fallout 76 Camp Tutorial Eight Tricks You Can Do With Your Camp Device Guide Building Tips

xWebdriverTorso: Really glad you’re releasing more tutorials. Now I can skip to process where I try to do something you did with your camp, struggle with it for 8 hours, go to bed in shame, then figure it out randomly while I’m doing a starter in a 96 F-150 the next day at work, and hope I remember it till I get home.
Funkles: I actually had no idea the Camp module was this versatile.
Fantastic explanations and always straight to the point, thank you!
adriangunn: I've been camp building for like 2 years now and I cannot believe I didn't know about the first trick in the video lol. So much frustration would have been avoided - thanks for sharing this!
BellySyrup: Awesome. I really only knew about the most basic... to separate items.

Have you played around with the shootable targets, such as the tin can or golf tee? I never liked how when items are destroyed with a flamethrower, or spike trap, that they're still "there" when trying to stack a new item on top.
Using the shootable target, once shot, the item ontop is just "gone". You can then put anything overtop, foundations, prefabs, defence or floor items etc... as if nothing was there. Repair the tin can, and bam, theres your merged items.

I really like it to get tighter junk walls into prefabs like the seedy shed, and having it clip through the prefabs foundation as well.
wastelander8428: Thanks for this tutorial MC
dazzmead007: OK so i just learned 7 new things!! Great video moonlight your delivery and format is really good and more importantly simple to follow, which is key to a good tutorial.
Milney1983: Great tutorial MC!! That’s first trick with placing foundations in hard to place spots is a winner for me!! Didn’t even know that & thats gonna help me out massively… Cheers buddy
joshuajeetkunedo: Thank you for sharing! That's awesome info
travis6228: This is very informative. Thanks for sharing!
wintersteale8869: Oh Yeah! MC helping us all up our camp building game! Thank you so much for these awesome tips and tricks.

May 18 2024

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