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Fallout 76: All Best Stamp Plans. Best Expedition Plans.

olebrumme6356: The best plans are not currently at the vendor, hasn't for a long time...
INYOSERATO: Really upset the Union is bugged and you can’t pick it up. Have had several lucky Union OE Sent drops and are unable to pick them up :(
Lordoftheapes79: The one thing to keep in mind about the AutoAxe, is that it is required for an Achievement/Trophy. It's shitty, but they haven't done that again since.
jamie1224: Circuit Breaker is live right now in the stamp shop for me.
Ter-Lee: PSA 76ers:
I noticed a lot of players don't mention or know that you can also get a random guaranteed free stamp plan from any of the expeditions once a week after completing all optional objectives during a mission. The weekly reward timer resets every Tuesday, the same time as weekly challenges.
Ahibasabala: I heard that a van-full of tortoises crashed into a shop that sold terrapins, it was a turtle disaster!
edwardsierra214: it only takes 87 trench runner's hood to max out caps at vendors with bargin perk card maxxed out.
chuckcookus: JUNE?!? Add B*thesda's Union PA screwup with the tendency for armor pieces to "disappear" - I haven't had a full set for 1-month plus
peterenis4752: Grinding those stamps is so ez now, that you can just get all those plans quite fast. Just doing expeditions. I was grinding the scoreboard just doing expeditions, because it probably the second best way after west tek. I did buy everything and have like 2k stamps spare.
victorsoto4821: One thing I should do more of for sure. I always neglect expeditions.
name_it: Hi there, I really hope you will make in the next videos op build for the Circuit breaker :))) It would be so interesting to finally see a good gun ( a pistol ) weapon in the game.

May 11 2024

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