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Expeditions Are The Answer To All Your Problems In Fallout 76

dococ3272: Why not do tax evasion? Far less complicated, get the missions from the tweaker, go outside complete the timed main quest, go to the casino complete the two side quests, then go back to billy and save him, takes no more than 5 minutes taking your time and I consistently get up to 20 stamps. Why do people always show this one and ashes? Am I missing something? Or are y’all missing something?
Veno160: The first expedition on Atlantic city is very good aswell. All you need is the Cremator as everything there will die in 1 shot from an unmodded Cremator. After learning all the paths and where to get everything you'll see a completion time of 5-8 minutes depending on the objectives and theyr place. There is hardly any fight and is mostly a fetch quest and even the boss at the end dies in 1 cremator hit. Is pretty good if you go solo
DarkAngelSnipes: As someone whos done over 200 BW runs, i can tell you for a fact, the max you can get(stamps) is 15 its 5 per objective completed, i do believe they award an extra 5 though for it being your first run in the week
sovi8762: It really does honestly solve all your problems, i did a couple of them when i just started playing again and i hit level 103 from level 80, i had barely any stimpaks and legendary's now i have close to 300 stimpaks and so many legendary's i just have to drop them at this point. If your running low on caps too they are great for caps as well!
ARandomDucc: Good auto axe roll is:
40 Power attack dmg (its always power attacking)
-25 AP cost
chris5942: The Sensational Game is easy to solo. Take a Vampire Chainsaw/Cremator and breeze right through it. The chainsaw works the fastest on the siblings. They are really tanky. The cremator will melt everything else. I do change into power armor for this one too. Thank you for pointing out the teddies. I have not bothered to look for them. Next time!
xoth2306: So im not sure if i missed you saying it but one important thing to be able to start expeditions is that you need to be team leader or you wont get the option to start a new expedition
Lordoftheapes79: Personally, I don't like grinding like this. I'm still working on getting my AutoAxe tho, so I still run the Pitt first each week in the hopes that I'll get the plan for free before I hit my 500 stamps.
notwokevikingrules401: you get one ulearned plan a week for free

May 23 2024

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