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Did you miss the SECRET CHANGE in this Event? | Fallout 76

takewhataway: Yea, I always knew that when it's Invaders season, Line in the sand and Campfire tales are the two events that will get visitation lol but the Free Range is a new addition this year. pretty cool
dhunter1133: They showed up in "Line in the Sand" as well, albeit pretty badly bugged.
user-ub1dz8js7s: I think yesterday in that area where there's an NPC at a campsite that is tied up and you have to untie her and then she runs off but before warns you about being abducted by aliens. I saw a few hours ago aliens fighting scorched around that area which was weird.
Everfrost9: I've seen the aliens at Campfire Tales as well.
joebonaiuto5554: I wish I could do events, but for some reason, when I crossed over to level 40 my weapons are garbage, and my armor stinks...I cannot make anything better weapon or armor wise nor am I finding any thing better, but I do NO damage at all anymore.
5starorchid: 3-4 days ago, came upon a group of 5-7 aliens while on the northern west trail trying to look for the Emissary, man in black.
PXCharon: There's a string of a few campers and bungalows in the hills in the south forest that can have conflict encounters, usually you wander in on scorched attacking ghouls or raiders, but right now they almost always have aliens wandering around instead.
FPS_Wingo: Had a server where the two random events for the hour was free range and campfire tales that were both aliens. Absolute blast
ramethzer0YT: I found them in a couple of the Vault Tec Agri center just outside of Flatwoods both during and outside of the event that happens there.
smallwonder843: Campfire tales also have invaders instead of usual enemies
wintersteale8869: I really like that they add aliens to a few events and random encounters. My favorites are the guy in the tin foil hat running away from an alien yelling about not being taken back and the flaming brahmin running away from the zetans. I'd like to see more in the future involving the raiders, some scorched and maybe even one where the zetans get turned into piles of ash by Mary's Little Lamb aka imposter sheepsquatch.

May 10 2024

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