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EVERY ESO Player Needs to UNDERSTAND THIS | The Elder Scrolls Online

samuraichicken2315: I had a guy run ahead of the entire group and kill the final boss in the dungeon during the Undaunted Event. They were far enough away that no one else in the group got the event box.
TheLittlestViking: If someone says, "Hey, I'm on the quest," and another player runs ahead of the group anyway, yeah, the player running ahead is the asshole. Because that almost always bugs the quest and keeps the player who is trying to finish it from completing the quest. In that case, asking someone to slow down isn't griefing, it's asking them to pay attention to the communication in the damn chat box. However, as long as people aren't going so far ahead that people are getting locked out of boss loot and aren't aggroing trash mobs but then leaving them for the rest of the group to fight while they rush to bosses/the end, and aren't bugging the quest for someone...have at it. Say things like, "on quest, please stop so I can wait for NPC's" or "can we speed run" or the like, and it'll solve 90% of the problems people have in PUG dungeon runs. Communication, it's like people are afraid to do it...
DexteGilkey: Sometimes it is that person’s first time in that dungeon. Meaning they are on a quest to get a skill point. Some of the older dungeons you have to kill all bosses to get said skill point. And in like BC1 you have to wait on a cutscene that you can’t skip. So now if you had to wait on that long cutscene and you killed the boss. Then they can no longer get that said skill point. So maybe that is why someone might ask you to slow down a bit. Eso maybe should make cutscenes be able to skip. I myself always ask in anyone questing. So then I make sure to be respectful and wait so that they can get what they need to. It’s sometimes take a little respect to understand that some people have just started eso that day maybe.
xnbk-yotiex5247: What I find even more crazy is how many people have no clue what entitlement means
carlos424: I think your perspective is valid, but also colored by your experience level. Put yourself in the mindset of someone who has just started playing. You queue for a random 4-man dungeon. You have to choose a particular role, you probably expect to have 4 people working together to complete it. When one person starts running ahead killing everything (or not), you might be confused or at least think, “wtf is going on? Am I supposed to keep up? Should I talk to this npc about the quest?” So, while it might be a casual players “entitlement,” it could also be just not understanding what has now become a regular practice in random normals.
AuraStorm: My only gripe is when people rush and bug out the quest, tho thats only cuz ZOS has left a lotta the old dungeons without an update to fix that
GentlemenMonkey: Nah, this I disagree and I'll tell you why: It's a coop activity.
I'm pretty much always ok with rushing personally, but I get people who aren't.
People getting screwed out of doing quests, fake tanks making an easy dungeon hard for everyone else (especially the healer), etc. is just trash behavior.
There is a social contract, it's you do the job you sign up for and you work as a group. Period.
You not wanting to wait is too damn bad, you not wanting to tank/heal is too damn bad. Go solo the dungeon then. Daily random transmutes is a lame excuse to be an arsehole.
I don't care what your excuse is, the people you're playing with are PEOPLE! You owe them some basic courtesy.
That's not being entitled. That's being a well adjusted adult.

The one thing I do agree with is that the transmute reward for daily random incentivizes this.
I totally agree that the game should allow people to solo random and that this would resolve the issue.
The system is what it is though and using it as an excuse to be a selfish jerk is lame.

Ok, I did the taboo, I disagreed. Come at me with your excuses for why spending 2 extra minutes of your day is too much to ask to be decent to another human being.
-tineidae: I rushed a lot in the past, sometimes got booted out of the group for that, in the end, the kick, cooldown und requeue take much more time than waiting 1-5 min. for a slow group to keep up.
animesoul167: Coming from ffxiv this is a problem with how ESO is structured. In ESO you never know when there is a new player doing the dungeon for the first time who may want to see the story of the dungeon. And in ESO part of the story occurs while you are fighting in the dungeon.

In ffxiv, when you load into an old dungeon with a new player, there are icons above the new player's head to indicate that they're new. There is a cutscene before the dungeon starts, and a cutscene before the final boss. Standard practice is to wait for the newbie to finish their cutscenes, which are like 30 seconds. And the veterans are compensated in extra gold and XP.
baccusolypus234: The word you are looking for is ‘expectation’ or ‘optimism’. People expect that the ‘demigods’ who join them in a random dungeon will not behave like a smug rich plantation owner, i.e. just use their existence for their own benefit without any recompense. You want your 10 transmutes and eff the other three players. That is a really sad attitude, exploitation, and supreme bad manners.
joshdesanti1556: I'll tell why it bothers when ppl go ahead of the group:

* most dungeon quest gets ruined. IE: Direfrost keep quest...
* if there's low lvl ppl trying to lvl up, they won't get as much xp due to being far from the kill
* the all overall dungeon experience its ruined, specially if you are a new player on the game and someone rushes it out. Dialogues, animations, etc...
horrorpastry: The video you are watching does seem to be a player complaining that other players are selfish because they won't let him be selfish? Talk about self centered lol.
arvenblack5656: There is 4 people in the group, 3 are together and in no way running slow but in a way where they loot everything including the adds he is ignoring and doesnt even wait to see if they die or not. Surprise, they dont die if he just throws caltrops at them and second later throws the caltrops elsewhere, he is just pulling them, thats all he is doing, the people behind him have to kill them. Else they would get stuck "at the door because they didnt kill the crocodile". He almost kills the bosses before they even have time to touch them. If you are alone and other 3 people run behind you, you are the entitled and selfish person that runs forth and ignores the majority. Maybe they needed to do the quest, maybe they wanted to loot chests. Either way he ran through too fast. The person politely asked him if he could slow down and he ignored and dismissed it. Plain and simple.
And no, I am not the "slow" person in the dungeon. Most of the time when I queue up for normal dungeon I end up with low level players, I dont run ahead starting boss fights without them, its called being respectful to other players that try to do stuff. I adjust my pace to them, if they need an assistant I summon an assistant.
If I end up with people that I see are obviously experianced and go fast I keep up with them. But there is always that one guy that runs through throws down aoes for one second and keeps running and putting those aoes elsewhere. Thats not fun, that is annoying for everyone else in the group.
michellepartridge8558: So many of us would que for random daily normal solo if we could.
pyguy4594: I think what is being overlooked here is consideration for others. Not their expectations or your expectations. No one expects anything from anyone else but its just the nice thing to do to slow down if someone asks, he could have asked nicer but why would you expect him to? hahaha. saying oh, I have to go fast because transmutes or whatever, thats an excuse. Thats an excuse for mildly shitty behavior and not considering other people wishes. It a GROUP dungeon.

Let me give an example. Halo, say you are playing halo and you teamkill by throwing grenades whenever you see an enemy, or just firing blindly whenever theres a bad guy. Well thats how you wanna play and no one can expect anything from you so, hey sucks to be the other guy huh? but no one can blame you and theres nothing to be mad about, because you shouldnt expect anything from anyone... so you're carrying your team and you win but you are also killing your own dudes and being an asshole. sounds fun?
christ0ph3rson70: My expectations are very low for PUGs.
j.r.warren5794: No. Every ESO player needs to know this. All of these content creators are given cheats to allow them to do the things they can do. They didn't earn any of the items they have legitimately. I know because I used to get the same cheats. Those dungeons are much easier if you can pick all the best stuff from a little magic bag. If you know someone is a content creator walk away. Do not engage them in any way because they will screw you over if they can. They are not your friends.
mortecai222: personally I adjust if I see someone is new or clearly having a hard time, but I don’t blame people for wanting to get it done quickly (especially PUGs), that being said this guy was fine but some people just run past everything straight to the last boss and that gets old ngl
derekderkster: I 1000% guarantee that if speed rushers could be forced to slow down by their team mates they'd get real mad. The problem is these rushers assume everyone has exactly the same motivation for being there as they do but not everyone does. Some people actually want to have a bit of fun in dungeons (what a crime) and sitting there watching someone run ahead and kill everything is NOT fun.
zombiejesus7445: Funny... Because end-game players then turn around and say "why aren't people doing trials or vet DLC dungeons?!?"

It is because when they are introduced to dungeons (normal randoms) you either run into someone that is speed running and 1 shoting everything... Which to the other players is boring as fuck... Or you run into a group that fights 60% of the time.

After seeing that... What motivation is there to go to the next step?

Also if you want an example of this happening in other MMOs, look up any case of dungeons in SWTOR and someone bitching because they are not skipping the cutscenes or skipping the dialogue
LeeNordTank: It's painful to play in a normal random dungeon with random people.
Most of the people are terrible, just tanking a carry.

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