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xQc Gets Perfect Timing with Dono in Elden Ring

liketobecalled: Shitting on dex builds while playing a jump R2 simulator is crazy

MobyDrip: "Dex build"

Cope is crazy.

TheAdinRossPlug: I wanna see xQc using a Dex build, and what excuses he'll come up with when he starts losing even more.

zan7121: Thanks for the cut. Bro was gonna yap

sleep5329: Crazy that Kai single-handedly made a whole bunch of streamers hop back on Elden Ring

daroth7127: >shits on dex builds while using a strength weapon with the jump attack strength playstyle

what did he mean by this?

UndeadFleshgod: This sure is original, never seen him skip this game before, wow, don't know where he got this idea

ChaoticNox: Having difficulty on a crucible knight when he already finished the game

HAHAd2: how is he bad at every game he plays

ozgurmithri: We need the full Vod mr editord

May 21 2024

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