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Testing EVERY NEW GREATSWORD to prove theyre great Elden Ring DLC

shagaru1234: 3 new greatswords and not a single one has the mirrah greatsword moveset
Anchor-Supreme: Lizard Greatsword is great too because it deals two damage types that can deal with each other’s weaknesses. Most enemies that resist strike are weak to pierce, and vice versa.
hellhound_4286: he didnt exactly mention (he said the highest guard boost which still is true) but the gs of solitude has the highest physical negation of ANY WEAPON

89% is INSANE, its higher that the GUGS, and one point higher than the damn giant crusher
Billy-lothric: Solitude greatsword is the most beautiful greatsword in the game
O-M-0: You know, a lot of people who engage on PvP in this game have really toxic attitudes - they're angry at everything, they talk trash about their opponents, they teabag or downpoint after every win and complain that every death was unfair. It's really refreshing to see someone who isn't like that at all. The Elden Ring multiplayer scene would be a better place with more people like you in it.
gorshe74: Does the greatsword of solly still have the true combo from the first part of the ash into the R1? If so thats another boon to its little name
liorgoldshtein2373: a new monk video i guess food can wait
mushroomy9899: lizard greatsword is my favorite of the three, because… STRIKE AND PEIRCE DAMAGE ON A SINGLE, GOOD WEAPON? and it looks funny, it’s so cool
felipefreitas8711: Damnation GS is one of the funniest weapons to use in PvP, I love one shotting people with that ash, but also having that amazing moveset for duels.
joejoe6411: Sword of damnation ash is broken in pvp. Hit box on ash is broken. You can't avoid it. Needs to be fixed immediately.
afshin-fc3kf: Greatsword for the boink

Sep 05 2024

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