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Siofra River Vs Crumbling Farum Azula - Elden Ring

ortzialberdiazpiazu7431: ok yeah, mohg carried, but can we all talk about that crucible knight getting all the way to Mohg?
azalea_animation: I loved the part where Mohg says it's nihiling time and then nihiled on everyone. Truly one of the moment in history
sodapop2836: I thought ball was gonna do work.
lkzdts7961: is no one going to talk about Blaidd?
luisalejandro3998: BLAIDD IS A DAMN CHEATER!
SoulofTheTom: Mohg lucky W
restcure: Why'd you take the ice outa that sweet little dragon wannabe?
pinkvillafantasy: It's Moghin Time! You just got Moghed by the Moghenator, it's Moghalicious!
Artem-eu3uv: Mohg OP
DuncanMaisonneuve-kk3vf: Look. I’m all for Mohg being powerful, but what enemy can survive instant blood loss 3 times over? Admittedly, I’m mostly just salty that Placi lost.
strigel8653: so you used once time maliketh phase 1 instead of fully phase 2? like we know whats ur point when u put phase 1 maliketh will have no chance to switches phases, all ur videos u put maliketh phase 2 firstly

May 10 2024

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