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LadyMoonboy: Did he seriously miss the Dark Moon Greatsword? BRUUUH
aiir2553: The amount of pain i felt when bro left Ranni’s room without looking around a bit
GentleCrank: Hey man, you should go back where you married Ranni. There’s something cool waiting for you
kolbra4170: -Doing less damage due to taking off soreseal
-The black knife tische summon is insane and can take chunks off enemy health bars
-Missed sword in Ranni’s room
justclxxy: My king is now engaged, meaning he no longer needs my glazing. This is it fellas. He also left the mistress’s wedding present
aaronwarlock6788: You missed a really good item in the room where you put the ring on Ranni.
lordribasogrande7240: Man, I really like you, your style enchanted me, as a veteran of the Soulsborne games I'm happy to see a new companion in this vast world of suffering and perseverance that is FromSoftware's games, I'm looking forward to more of your adventures, one more subscriber
ps: English is not my mother tongue so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
pulseless5968: No but you don't understand just how much I look forward to these
smallwonderbaby: LESSS GOOOO NEW DAVO VID

EDIT: damn he upgraded his weapon
Animedingo: One thing a lot of people dont notice

You remember those smaller rock bull bosses? Those things, the upside down guys that shoot rocks, and astel, are all the same kind of creature.

Its an evolution. The smaller bull form is how they land on the planet from the stars. They evolve into a cocoon like form where they hang upside down. And Astel is their fully developed form.
GentleCrank: The best hour and 20 minutes of the weekend

May 16 2024

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