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How to All Hit Elden Ring

Bernarkin: Bleeding:
TheOnlyOneDed: NoHit: Pure skill and memorization
AllHit: Gamedev God Levels of problemsolving and schizo Leveled up to 100
ymfah: "yeh i delve in both"
SaganTheKhajiit: That Radahn bit made me feel my brain actually get smoother with each passing second.
apeaape: How to shit myself when new ymfah upload
soldierofgodrick2885: We’re so back
carlodelacruz2552: Previously on Bottom Gear:
John Elden Ring, lost sensation on both of his legs. The only way to beat the game is to continue Wheelchair Sam's legacy.

Today on Bottom Gear:
John Elden Ring, regained his mobility but lost his flexibility (0 dodge) which means he cannot avoid or beat the allegations. The only way to beat the game is to gain the n-word pass and become Senator Armstrong.
riydenrising5452: ''Red Sun ''

no matter what your doing, it can always be more epic with this song
georgejones8281: Added to watch later for after work!
degen7278: The penis joke paired with Gyat Radahn really made me perform a qte to not commit die.
Mackifold: Y'know... I don't think players need a guide on how to get hit by everything. I just can't put my finger on why though.
shiki8437: "Why dodge enemy's attack when you have nanomachines"
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
sturmmagnunstein1008: Something that nobody ever knows (which might have aided you in this run greatly) is that with colossal weapons (not swords), a riposte or backstab counts as 2 hits for a lot of enemies and bosses. Using the crimson dagger talisman would allow you to heal double the normal amount.
antotheos: Kuze and Margit parallel with title card was amazing <3
afinoxi: My man woke up and said
cyrus2395: Don't panic, new ymfah vid just dropped
Geraf25: Kuze's OST for Morgott is literallt perfect
powerforcex6190: I know that YT copyright is the hardest souls boss and Konami has the laxest rules about their MGR ost, but I remember when Ymfah used Jojo osts and wonder when will be Stone Ocean and SBR fan osts be used
EthanNSenpaiVN: I'm so freakin' tired of 0-hit, no damage, level 1, club-only bullshit on Youtube! This is what the community should be lookin' for! Also, this one has to be the best one you've made so far, the dedication to details and jokes is outstanding! Additionally, the musics goes so goddamn well that made every part of the vid so breathtaking and exciting. Well done, ymfah, well done!
purplehaze2358: Super-tank builds in Elden Ring feel like a passive aggressive response to someone saying "just don't get hit" unironically.
FrostedOmega: Finally he plays the DLC omg
Zusk0n: Oh shit here we go again
With another ymfah classic
andreaszochios3903: Babe wake up, Ymfah finally posted
AcediaRex: ymfah’s Bizarre Adventure: Ironjar is Unbreakable
sparklepawz1185: Giantdad: "Yo The Wall. Do you see this?
The Wall: "Yea. How about you Let Me Tank Him?"
LMTH: "Holy shit."
PenguinWithInternetAccess: "Dodging and learning patterns is an essential part of the game"
challenge runners : nuh uh
killimo7990: Let's go, Ymfah is back with another banger Elden Ring challenge run

Sep 05 2024

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