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Can I Beat Elden Ring with Only Staff Melee Attacks

HonstlyIdontKnow: A Strength user walks into the academy, but does not want to level up Intelligence, so here we are.
Bradley700: Bushy has dropped. An hour of my day must be given
zakanyimen: when you finally attend the Raya Lucaria Academy but your grades are bad.
BAMTaekwondo: That dlc is gonna be a godsend to elden ring YouTubers lol
gb9884: Hey Bushy I have a horrible idea for a run - ashes of war attacks only but with your FP bar drained completely at all times. The ashes of war that I'm thinking of are sacred blade. There is a long wind up for the slash attack and it doesn't do the holy beam but the attack will still do damage. Another horrible idea would be thunderbolt - when you raise your weapon to do the attack it actually has a melee hit box and you can hurt enemies if you're basically touching them.
jocasu2: I love it when Bushy bushes my bush.
shabkan2: Skumnut doing the seal melee run at the same time lol
G.A.M.E.R.-: Betting on deaths was actually a blast, I hope you keep that mechanic for chat in future streams it made the fights even more intense
tylerw1625: Bushy fighting DTS and chat is arguing about nutrition, love to see it
freshfresku101: give this man the dlc alreaDY
tunar_karimov: When you get accepted to a college, don’t even study, somehow manage to pass exams and graduate, but now you have no f’ing idea what you were taught

May 11 2024

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