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Super Unbiased Diablo 4 Review Asmongold Reacts

Frostylaroo: Thanks again for watching you Diablo 4 Gigachad!!! Hopefully I can afford the $120 Lilith only fans edition of the expansion now!
Shiirow: Diablo 4 : "Less terrible than it was previously, play it today"
colonelsanders1611: "I completely agree with myself." - George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Asmongler.
vandelayindustriesreal: I simply don’t care enough anymore to boot it up
pkwithmeplease: its crazy how asmongold turns a 10 min video into 36 mins.
benm6520: The rhykker DM song goes too hard
grimmpotato8242: I don’t trust blizzard and will not waist my time nor money on them
RolyPolyGames: "this is bad game design."
No, bad game design was when a barbarian had to constantly run away from the monsters he's fighting cause they're too scary to do melee combat for more than 2 seconds with.
Khaoz2007: I’m playing my afk minion build with my three friend with there minion builds… just 30000 minion gang banging in dungeons.
Love-JaniceHall: Is there any other videos of asmon playing Diablo 4 other than the two videos on his YouTube, I have checked his twitch but only found the two streams of him playing. Nothing about Asmon playing after level 91 and even trying the pit
BigBoyAdvance: All they did was remove 70% of the crappy random affixes and didn't added anything new lol. So freaking lazy...
whenimmanicimgodly4228: For real why do so many people hate oatmeal. Oatmeal was a blessing when i was homeless. 2 packs of oatmeal made with milk, asd 2 spoons of peanut butter, some frosted flakes (non frosted ones) or cinnamon toast crunch and BAM it is amazing
lloyd9819: I smelt sarcasm and came running.
TheMastreek: "What are You even doing?"
"Not giving You money lol"
solventob: Asmon pulling an Óðinn, aggreeing with himself like Óðinn sacrificed himself to himself.
ManifestTheMusic: I only play the Diablo mobile games
KoarTCN: Imagine being the company that literally invented ARPG's, and then needs to re-learn how to make ARPG's... What a joke.
aegontargaryen573: We need to stop pretending they didn’t just polish a turd. This game is soulless and designed this way (horribly) with the idea of having you spend more money in the shop. Also why no D3 paragon system after level 100?
herpderp66: Blizzard ported everything good about Diablo 3 into Diablo 4. That is all they did with this season. I don't know why it took them this long to port in features that were developed over the 10 years of Diablo 3 into the game. They already had this all figured out but didn't use any of it.
animatedgoose: I have a minion build. I've been a Necromancer since D2
GamingwithMahv1: The only fair review is this: "This is the only Diablo game where you don't actually fight Diablo. Enough said".
jrockz133t: I agree. The vanilla flavor is very good. I was hoping for a strawberry or a cookie dough (endgame), but the vanilla is pretty good. My main problem is the seasonal content this season. Its like having a scoop of vanilla ice cream, but without chocolate syrup or sprinkles or whipped cream. Yea a reputation board is cool and all, but its like adding a cherry on top and that's it
lanceforbus3094: Summoner damage for the necromancer on the paragon board is broken it when you select it it decreases damage for warriors and it don't increase summoner damage
keowar: Never caught an asmon video this early
gregorymifsud5389: ow my god dude lmao DM Rhykker bit "why are you so juiced"
Vicitive69: The reason I'm not playing the new season is that blizzard is planting the seed to farm the new expansion. After that management don't have to care about the game again
jjc5871: That barbarian clip he shows makes the game look boring as fuck.
123pa1n: this is what happens when you get indoctrinated by a terrible game being shit for multiple seasons. The moment they make it less shit, people actually think that its good, because they standarts are in the dumpster.
fagnermorawski9836: The amount gold you gain farming the Tree of Whispers is so much higher than loothing a full inventory of items, and, is faster

May 23 2024

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