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Diablo 4 Season 4 Minion Necromancer Build Guide

keythjauregui3207: i hope they make your blue hoodie as an uber unique
RabAbb199: Rax you absolute legend. I was just about 25 tabs deep with different necro builds / vids and you've consolidated it into one amazing vid!!
darielsantana4381: There are so many variants but its the way you explain and how clear and paced you speak
Theresa-wp6kv: Appreciate you brother.
RonaWLime: Halfway through the video and this is the best breakdown of synergies and skill building I’ve seen so far. Appreciate it Rax
DrMacabr3: Once again you make a video explaining everything that can be found in other video's, BUT!!.. you explain it so much better, giving people options, and not just shout: GOLEM IS BEST, or MAGES ARE BEST.. thanks for explaining the WHY and HOW it all works like it does. Some of these tips aren't even in any of those other guides..
This is the top video to watch for anyone playing this build. Thank you Raxx!!
Slin__: Really great to have someone explain in detail ~why~ certain decisions are made and comparisons, best minion video I've seen this season
andyxprophet: This is such a valuable video. Loved your talk with Macro last night. 2 geniuses. Thanks Raxx.
MrFraynejames: Bone golem will AOE taunt and throw on vulnerable on a 10 sec cooldown. The range is actually crazy.
Brjan86: This is my first season in which i play with Necro, i've always used other classes, but for this season i wanted to try Necro, but without so much knowledge; and then i you came with this video explaining perfectly and in the best way possible, that also my child of 2 year can understand it.

I think that you're the best professional Teacher about this game and probably not only for this game; i really appreciate all your work, passion and love that you put into this content.

Thank you very much for Everything Man.
Hjortur95: the best feeling in ARPGs is spending hundreds of hours working hard just to earn the privilege of spamming 1 button

May 18 2024

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