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Diablo 4 NEW GOLD HOTFIX Season 4

izaruburs9389: Tempering is the real issue. The odds of bricking an item are isnanely high with no way to fix it ever. Found the perfect item for your build? Tempering failed, item is dead. Want to use the same item in a different build? Yeah, too bad, can't do that. Idk how this managed to go core the way it is right now but removing player agency is always a bad system by default. Could have given us a way to reset tempers with some rare currency. Even if it takes 1 hours of farming just to reset it, there would atleast be hope that you can save items. I lost 2 triple GA items to tempers already and can't see how a casual or even less casual player would ever recover from such an experience. GAs are already RNG enough, we don't need a second system that essentialy steals our items afterwards.
pokermitten9795: Blizzard proving that patience pays lmao.
PyroIsBack: They should just increase the golddroprates in dungeons. The gold rewards for complete a nmd are pointless.
TheAmbigatus: When you go from 65 mil to 3 mil for rerolling one stat on a helmet I really think there should be more means to get money than just whispers. I'm ok with things being expensive, there is no reward in getting everything just like that, but make the process of earning money more enjoyable than just running whispers.
15ag34: good change, I do wish there was a way to refresh tempering by some material found in the pit. Bricking a great item feels pretty bad when you roll the same tempered affix 5x in a row. Would also allow people to try different combinations with good items
deeveejay: Well, the conversion is nice, but I want to say that I actually LIKE the fact, that gold finally means something. I don't want them to change masterworking costs, it's ultmate endgame goal.
Em4gdn1m: I mean, good to know I can convert materials, but that had nothing to do with me not having any gold.
thoso1973: They could balance it out; instead of a 99% discount on those caches, make it 90% and then increase the gold droprate and perhaps reduce masterworking gold cost by 50%?
yarsiq: enchant item its still crazy.... omg why
rhozpogi: Imagine making gold inflation as a feature for season 4 lol
beerandwine5184: This comment section is an absolute hell hole.

May 21 2024

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