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Diablo 4 Gold: Blizzard LGBTQ Employee Network Launches Pride Collection in support of National Center for Transgender Equality

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In celebration of Pride month, we have released a new Pride Collection exclusively on the !

Led through the Blizzard LGBTQ Employee Network, the Pride Collection features a range of Pride-themed apparel with Blizzard’s net proceeds* from the sales from May 16 through June 30, 2023 being donated to the .

Blizzard Entertainment and the Blizzard LGBTQ Employee Network are incredibly proud to be working with the . NCTE advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. For more information about NCTE, please visit .

Blizzard and the LGBTQ Employee Network invites the community to join in this year's celebrations. 

* Blizzard will donate the net proceeds that Blizzard receives from Blizzard’s e-commerce store operator.

May 16 2023

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