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Basic Skill Necro is the New STier Pit Build in Season 4 Diablo 4!

StanleyKuo184: It sucks that you only get 5 rerolls for Tempering. Is it too much to ask for double the reroll tries?
melvinfeenstra7037: is there a viable thorn build for necro or?
Elroax: I got your Build from Golem 4.0 and i improve where is the best way to show you the build and what to change ?
jacobeaton3446: I can confirm bone splinter is insane highest dps in game no joke also ridiculous scaling but you need the splinter level to be over leveled it is a must increase I hit 3mill bone splinter and my gear sucks
stevenstephens504: Thoughts on grandfather Uber vs shako? I'm most likely gonna put it on my barb but might stick it on my Necro who is a minion build.

May 29 2024

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